wonder what there is that we cannot see, touch, taste or smell- but can certainly feel...
there is power there..... often untapped...
A friend of my husbands was diagnosed with breast cancer- stage 4... metastasis to liver and bone.... The facebook community is awash in shock and disbelief tonight-
Shock waves bouncing from one to another...
wonder what happens when that.... that what.... that feeling..... that spirit.... that anguish.... that love.... that caring..... that heartcry..... wonder what happens when that is mobolized.... when those cries join together to become one voice-
what is it that changes?
There is no doubt that prayer changes things... that sounds trite- like a poster or a bumper sticker....
but we certainly have experienced it first hand.... surrounded, blanketed, held...
There seems to be a difference when we pray collectively...
prayers tonight for this young woman.... and for others....
there is a peace that passes all understanding..... tonight I pray that for her and her family...
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