Wish I could have stayed the entire week, but my heart was at home with my guys and I was glad to get back..
Just a couple thoughts that have been wandering through my head:
1) It seems to me that if the world were functioning in the way God intended it to function- if we were all working from a deeper place- a connected place- it would be a lot like Camp Bethany.
It seems to me that everyone (staff ) comes for some reason of their own. Perhaps they were a camper and have fond memories, perhaps they have a child or a grandchild there and want to share in the experience...... whatever the reason..... once they arrive the sum becomes greater than it's parts....
Once the staff has arrived, the purpose of the camp and the needs of the campers become a common goal. Each child is recognized as unique. The campers and the staff have lots and lots of fun, but the purpose of the camp- to aquaint children early with the grace of God- is never forgotten.
There is a balance at camp that doesn't exist in the rest of the world. Lots of hard work- lots of fun. Lots of activity- lots of rest. Who would ever think that one would hear a bunch of kids cheer when FOYB (Flat On Your Back- rest time) is announced each afternoon? Always dessert! and always salads
It always fascinates me to notice how adults change at camp...... the stern minister who sits up at night between 2 bunks telling stories until the weary, homesick children fall asleep.....the slapstick teenager who comes with tears in their eyes looking for advice for a heartsick child, the person who sits stiff in the pew on Sunday morning soaked with a bucket of water during a skit....
Occasionally there is a bit of dissention among staff- no way that could not happen. It never seems to escalate to the point of interfering with the purpose of camp.
People pray at camp. Together or alone.
Camp Bethany seems to me to be a thin place.....
2) I first arrived at Camp Bethany 9 years ago. Unwilling. Upset. Scared. Mad. Alex had been diagnosed with juvenille diabetes <2 weeks before. I was determined to show him that diabetes would not stop him from doing anything- so I wanted him to be at camp. I was terrified of diabetes and the impact it might have on his life- so I could not/ would not let him go alone. Co incidently!!!! (Ha) that was the year they were scrambling- trying to find a camp nurse- and so it began...
I shudder when I remember the chaos we brought to poor Camp Bethany that year. I was a wreck. I had a 9 y/o who was- well, to put it mildly, POd at the entire world... Between my tears and his tantrums, it amazes me that Camp Bethany remained standing.....
They took such good care of us that year. I looked at the basketball court this week and could still see the images of a young Dwanye- (Jr Counselor back then) playing hours and hours of basketball with Alex. Tears come to my eyes even now as I think of it.... I could go on and on- but suffice it to say that everyone cared for us that week. I thought diabetes was an ending- they made it a beginnning.....
And so, if I'm able, I return every year. I'm drawn back there. I love to be there. There is something in me that wants to give back just a little of what was given to us.
It makes me think of our hospice families- when they are well cared for- they just want to give back.....
Let the circle be unbroken.....
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