The word filtered down the pike today.... DIFFICULT family....
pissed off you might say
I heard it first on report driving to work, and I prayed a very intense prayer that this particular family would be on anybody else's schedule...
I told the Lord I just couldn't do it- I'd do anything else - bargaining
I immediately assumed that I just was not good enough- that this family would require someone with far more skill- denial
I got to work and discovered the name written neatly- right under mine- anger
I told my co-workers that I would happily do anything else- and we are back to - bargaining..
I milked it as long as I could.
Then I sucked it up and went....
I eased my way in the door, I smiled, I greeted, I settled in a comfy chair and used my favorite opening line "Tell me........" I said. And boy did I hear, the words spilled out.
The thing is- about 5 minutes in, my attitude completely changed. When I started LISTENING to all the things this woman had on her plate- my attitude changed. I could not believe all the things she was trying to handle- all the plates she had balanced in the air. It all came out in a huge rush..... concern for her mom and frustration with the hospital experience, sure- but beyond that she had a husband with problems, teenagers (enough said?), in-laws, a business.... and on it went....
Once it was finally out, once she had finally spent herself- the rest was fairly easy. The patinet's care was fairly straightforward, her needs relatively simple.
I left there feeling humbled..... reminded that we are fellow sojouners.... that there is much we do not understand.....
I left there feeling grateful- for her difficulties certainly trumped my own....
I left there feeling thankful.....
I left there with acceptance- and a huge hug....
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