Friday, December 4, 2009

You Rock

In the midst of thinking about thanksgiving turkeys and pumpkin pies- I was issued a challenge

It came from the mouth of a 15 y/o and went something like this "YOU, play guitar hero? Huh!"

It was on.

Before I could catch my breath and realize what I'd done, another 15 y/o was walking in the door, carrying an array of plastic guitars and microphones. Microphones?

An hour later I heard the sweetest words I'd heard since someone announced "it's a boy"
I heard "your mom rocks"

who, me?

I often wonder, as I drive from home to home, what makes a "life well lived"?
I think.... that much of it is found in the moments like this one...

You may not find me blogging for awhile.... I have, over the last week, gone from beginner to easy and last night- to medium..... I'm pushing hard for expert- so I'll catch ya later...

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