The last time I did such a thing was when I was 7 years old. I packed my bag with cereal and a cookie and bravely walked 1/2 block to the "hideout" - a little stand of pine trees- where I sulked all day and then returned, tired but triumphant.
I'm not packing much more this time. A change or 3 of clothes. Maybe! a book. Not much else- except some dog food and water.
I'm taking my best buddy Emma- a golden retriever. An old golden retriever. We are climining in the car on Sunday sans computer and returning on Wednesday.
We are heading for the tip of W Virginia- to be part of the mountains, to catch a glimpse of the Shenadohah and to just be.
to just be...
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"Open a lookout. Dance on a brink. Run with your wildfire. At every crossroad be prepared to bump into wonder..." James Broughton
ReplyDeletelove this - thanks lou